So a little over a week ago, a week from last Saturday actually, my church had a banquet (a fundraiser for Girl's Ministries at my church). I ended up taking a ton of pictures, but hadn't really sat down to write about it yet. So since I don't have school today (I am on my last day of my five-day-weekend!), here are some of the picture highlights of it. The theme was Hee Haw, which I personally have seen very little of, but apparently it was an show from the 1970s, and it made for a pretty good banquet theme.
We had a packed out house. |
The awesome decorations, which were made mostly out of cardboard. |
Some of the men from the church did "Gloom, Despair, and Agony on Me." |
My sister, Bekah, and her friend Anna practicing. |
Anna and Bekah setting up to sing. |
Pastor Rylan, our Youth and Children's pastor holding up the "Laugh" sign. |
The younger girls did preformed "Gossiping Girls," and they did a wonderful job. All in all, I think everyone had a good time, and I personally had a great time helping with it.